Words of Wisdom

the-testimonial link button God stretches our patience to enlarge our soul the-testimonial link button His love still stands when all else has fallen the-testimonial link button God promises a safe landing not a calm passage the-testimonial link button Our faith is stretched by exchanging our weakness for God’s strength the-testimonial link button We must experience our weakness to experience God’s strength the-testimonial link button A Faith that costs and demands nothing, worth nothing the-testimonial link button As you travel life’s heavy road, let Jesus lift your heavy load the-testimonial link button Our afflictions are not designed to break us, but to bring us to God the-testimonial link button The storms of our life prove the strength of our Anchor the-testimonial link button Never let today’s burden erase yesterday’s blessings the-testimonial link button We serve God by sharing His Words with others the-testimonial link button Do not give God instructions – just report for duty! the-testimonial link button Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your front door forever the-testimonial link button Peace starts with a smile the-testimonial link button Do not put a question mark where God’s put a period the-testimonial link button God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called the-testimonial link button He, who angers you, controls you the-testimonial link button The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us the-testimonial link button You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him the-testimonial link button The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given the-testimonial link button A selfless life reaps an eternal harvest the-testimonial link button Repentance not only says “I’m sorry,” it also says “I turn from my sin” the-testimonial link button When God presents you with a challenge, take a leap of faith the-testimonial link button Open your Bible prayerfully; read it carefully; obey it joyfully the-testimonial link button

Tuesday 10 July 2007

He cares...

When we walk with God everyday, He surely doesn’t mind with our ordinary problems of life no matter how simple it is.

Mary has three little daughters, and would be baby is going to be born. She lives with her husband and two housekeepers in a rent house. Her husband is a physician who’s taking his master degree right now; he is very busy with his studies and hospital tasks. He often goes home late because his job loads. Mary works as a government employee. Her office is about five six kilometers away from her rent house. In her 7 months pregnancy, she could not take a bus to go to her office; it forces her to go by motorbike instead. With 4 years old, 4 years old and 1 year old daughters, she barely takes a good rest everyday. She has to feed, cook and lots of social activities. It made her aunty, Ruth, came to help her for keeping her daughters.

One day, Mary had a social event to attend. She had to dress up well for it. She usually wears earrings for a special occasion. But, after looked for them many times, she still could not find them. I remember to put them here, in this box where they usually stay. I could ask somebody…but it might offend them, what should I do? Then she phoned her father who lived nearby for help. “All right, don’t panic…I’ll pray for you” John answered to Mary’s franticly called. Mary continued to search for the earrings with Ruth’s help. They both opened the cupboards, opened the make up drawers, but they could not find them. Huuuh I could not go without them, Mary sighed.

Hey...are these the earrings? Ruth shouted when she saw a glimpse under the bed sheet. Mary was very happy they finally found them. But didn’t we already upside down the bed sheet? Didn’t we search…Mary confused how that could be happened, but John knew what was happened after Mary told him about her experience. He was sure that God helped her to find them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Where’s the key…I put it on the table over here!” Steve shouted while searching. “I have to go now; I don’t want to be late”. He was just arrived home from his senior high school and had to go back to change his shirt for a course session this afternoon. “Any body saw it?” Steve was looking everywhere. He searched to where he was, in the garage, bathroom, kitchen, his room…in the living room, but nothing was found. O come on…I need it now, please God…He sat with his back lean on the sofa. God, I’m tired…but I have to go to English course now…he murmured and started to fall asleep…

Cling…he heard something fell down on the floor. He caught a glimpse of light at his side eye. He woke up and saw a key on the floor not far from his position. Hah... how could it be…His eyes searched for around, but no body was there with him. His mother was in the kitchen busy for cooking; his brothers were still busy with their activities outside. So, there was no chance somebody threw the key to him. He looked up…God, he…he…he…You’re so funny…but, great thanks for Your help.

We usually ask God’s helping in certain-big problems. We pray or even are fasting to get the answers. When we relief from the struggling and receive the answers we don’t forget to thank God, but for the ordinary problems…do we usually thank God for His care?

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